Italian Language Course

Studying Italian at the Foundation Year at UNIPV means:

Our Italian language courses are taught by teachers with highly specialized training, extensive experience in teaching Italian to international students, and who are involved in language learning research.

International, multilingual, and few in number with a homogeneous linguistic level.

The teaching offered in our language classes is supported by constant research on language learning and teaching.

Learning Italian means knowing how to use Italian in different communication contexts.

For this reason, the didactic approach used in the language class provides for the integrated development of linguistic comprehension and production skills through the performance of tasks, within a highly communicative context.
Interaction between teachers and peers is central to our teaching method. In our international and multilingual classrooms, the Italian language represents, not only the language of study, but also the language of communication within the class and this makes the interaction meaningful.

This is the best and most effective context for language learning.

The program of the Italian language courses aims to develop the linguistic skills and competences necessary to face an academic path in Italian. Furthermore, curricular content according to the CLIL methodology is also introduced in the language courses, regardless of the level of linguistic competence.

Our program includes specific language certification test training which is also an effective tool for developing written and oral comprehension language skills.

The incoming and outgoing linguistic assessment takes place according to the international reference standards (CEFR reference framework). The evaluation is also intended as predictive: it gives us indications on what the student will be able to do with Italian in the continuation of their academic career.
Verification of learning takes place through homework exams, ongoing exams, a midterm exam and a final exam according to a grade breakdown shared with the students at the beginning of the program.