In this page you will find useful information to better plan your trip to Italy and your stay in Pavia.
- Do not book your flight before having received your visa
- Check here the average cost of life in Pavia
- Purchase a travel insurance
Students can fly to one of Milan’s three airports: Malpensa (90 km from Pavia), Linate (50 km from Pavia) or Orio al Serio (70 km from Pavia).
Several buses (Malpensa Shuttle – 10€) and trains (Malpensa Express – 13€) connect the airport to Milan’s central railway station, from which it is possible to take a train to Pavia (4-9€).
Regular bus service connects Linate to downtown Milan (ATM Milano Line 73 – 2€) and to Milan’s central railway station (Linate Shuttle – 5€). From Milan’s central railway station it is possible to take a train to Pavia (4-9€).
Several buses (Orio Shuttle – 10€) connect the airport to Milan’s central railway station, from which it is possible to take a train to Pavia (4-9€).
Most European cities are connected to Milan’s central railway station by direct trains.
From Milan’s central railway station to Pavia there are two train options: regional ones (4€) and intercity ones (9€). Other Milan’s railway stations -such as Milan Rogoredo, Milan Bovisa, Milan Porta Garibaldi- are connected to Pavia through regional trains, as well
Please communicate the date of your arrival filling this form by September 30, 2024
Do not forget:
- Passport with student visa and ID card
- European currency (Euro)
- Travel and health insurance documents
You will find below a list of what is required upon your arrival:
For the entire duration of their stay in Italy, all international students must be covered by health insurance.
If you are an EU student (including students from Iceland, Liechtestein, Norway and Switzerland), you can use the European Health Insurance Card to access urgent care under the same conditions as Italian citizens.
If you are Non-EU students, you will need a health insurance plan and you must register with the "National Health Service" (“Servizio Sanitario Nazionale-SSN”) to obtain the Health Card (“Tessera Sanitaria”) to access public healthcare. The National Health Service will assign you to a general practitioner and you will enjoy reduced prices for examinations and medical treatments. Registration stays open all year round, so you can register anytime, but you must renew your registration at the beginning of the new calendar year.
Following the financial law no.213 voted and approved by the Italian government on 30 Dec.2023, from 1st January 2024 the SSN insurance price for international students has been increased from 149 euros/year to 700 euros/year.
In order to register with SSN, students must pay via your own bank account choosing the F24 model inserting:
- regional code 10
- contribution code 8846
and specifying the year for which you are paying the contribution.
After receiving the payment receipt, you will have to book an appointment with the ASST Pavia Healthcare Centre (Via Indipendenza 3,Pavia) to finalize your registration, to be assigned a general practitioner (“Medico di Base”) and receive a provisional health card. Once you have received your Residence Permit, you must book another appointment with the ASST Pavia Healthcare Centre to get the final tessera sanitaria (Health Card)
Required documents:
- Passport
- Fiscal code
- Receipt of the Residence Permit application (first appointment) / Residence Permit (second appointment)
- Receipt of the payment made for registering with the National Health Service (“SSN”)
- A proof of enrollment in the Foundation Year Program
- A form in which the student states where he/ she lives in Pavia (this form can be found directly at the ASST center)
Tax code (Codice fiscale) is required to open a bank account, rent an apartment (or a room in an apartment), buy a SIM card and apply for a residence permit.
There are two ways to obtain a fiscal code:
A- You can submit a request to the Italian embassy when applying for your visa or when requesting the Declaration of Value.
B- After having enrolled in the Program, send an email to with the following script:
“Gentilissimi, vi inoltro la mia richiesta di codice fiscale. Sono uno studente internazionale immatricolato presso l’Università di Pavia, numero di matricola xxxxx (specify your matriculation number). Allego il mio documento di identità, il modello AA4/8 compilato in lingua inglese. Molte grazie per l’attenzione, Cordiali saluti”
Please note that you will have to attach the following documents to your email:
- A form of identification (passport or identity card)
- this form (which should be completed in all its part ) – Instructions on how to complete the form
- Your Visa (NON-EU students only)
The fiscal code will be emailed to you within 24-48 hours.
Non-EU students must request the Residence Permit (“Permesso di soggiorno”) within 8 working days from their arrival in Italy.
1) In order to be assisted in filling out the Residence Permit application (“KIT” which will be provided by the help desk), check the office opening hours and book an appointment with:
Help Desk Permit of Stay
Questura, Via Rismondo 68, Pavia
whatsapp 0039 3312312544
2) You should bring with you:
- Photocopy of your passport (without blank pages)
- Old residence permit in case of renewal
- Proof of enrolment at the University of Pavia
- Proof of residence (eg. house contract, hospitality document)
- Proof of financial support (eg. copy of credit card, bank statement)
- A 16€ revenue stamp (”marca da bollo”), to buy at the tobacco shop
3)Once the KIT has been filled in, you must hand it in to the Post Office in order to send it to the Immigration Authorities. Fees will cost 118,46 €.
4)After sending the KIT you will be given a receipt of your application (ricevuta). On your recept you will see the date of your fingerprints appointment in the Police Station (Questura).
5) When going to the appointment with the Immigration Office in Via Rismondo 68 Pavia, do not forget to bring the following documents and wait in the waiting area until your name is called by an officer:
- Receipt
- Passport
- Old residence permit in case of renewal
- new health insurance that covers 1 year from the day of the appointment, min.coverage 30.000€
6)The status of your Residence Permit can always be checked on Portale Immigrazione (use the username and password that can be found on the Post Office receipt). When your residence permit is ready, you will receive a notification SMS. This usually takes about 40 days. On the date of collection, you should bring your passport, receipt and the old residence permit in case of renewal.
If you still have doubts about the residence permit, check the FAQ
All international students of University of Pavia must have a Third-Party Liability Insurance which covers damages caused by the students while studying in the University premises. Please note that University of Pavia provides this coverage free of charge. All students must have a Personal Accident Insurance that covers any damage caused to him/her during his/her studies at the University of Pavia.
This insurance plan must be purchased upon your arrival in Pavia, at the cost of € 2 per year, by following these instructions